Fictional Food Adventure: Making Sara's Heartwarming Currant Buns
Andy and I made these buns together one Sunday afternoon and then invited Mum and Dad to come and help us eat them, as they are best eaten on the day they are made; plump and fresh and warm and soft. The dough is very much a bread dough, so it needed two provings. I've always rather liked kneading and it was satisfying to watch the dough rise up in its bowl and then as little balls on the baking tray, dotted with dark, tangy currants. The buns came out of the oven a gorgeous golden brown and ready for a sugar and water glaze which instantly turned them into an enticingly sticky, shiny treat which we devoured immediately, all chomping and grinning and savouring the softness. If you've got a day at home and you're doing other jobs, this is a good kind of recipe to get on with; coming back to give it a few minutes' attention between provings. You don't need a lot of time to make bread, you just need to be at home for a good few hours in a row. If you make them, don't forget to share some!
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